8 Tips to Optimize Boards on Pinterest - LearnWP

8 Tips to Optimize Boards on Pinterest

8 tips to optimize Pinterest boards

This is the second installment in our three-part series – 20 Tips to Polish your Pinterest Account so that your pins will show up well in Pinterest

These steps will ensure that you are providing the Pinterest algorithm with the right information to display your pins to Pinners who share your interests.

Using the right terms properly will help Pinterest display your pins to Pinners who share your interests

How to Optimize your Pinterest Boards

1. Categorize all your boards – If you don’t set the category when you create a new board Pinterest will put your board in other by default. This is the Pinterest equivalent of putting your posts in Uncategorized. Your board will not display to Pinners when they search Pinterest by category. So check each of your boards and put them in the most appropriate category.

2. Board Titles  – Rename boards to use meaningful names that Pinners are likely to search for. Instead of naming a board “Yummy“, how about “Vegetarian Recipes”, a much more descriptive title. If you want to add characters to your boards like a heart make sure it is at the end of the board name, you want keywords to appear first.

3. Board Descriptions – A lot of Pinterest boards are missing a Board Description. A board description helps Pinners know what the board is about and helps your board show up in search results. Think about who you want to attract as followers on Pinterest. What search terms might they be using on Pinterest? This list may be very similar to the list of keyword terms you use for optimizing your website for Google search. Include these terms in your board descriptions.

4. Create a Blog Board just for your blog content and pin all your posts there first, then repin this original pin to other boards. Make this your first board. When someone views your profile on a phone your first two boards will display on the top so lead with your most important boards. You can also embed this board in a widget on your WordPress site.

5. Set Board Covers so that your profile page looks attractive. You don’t have to create images just for covers, although some Pinners do that. At least think about what is displaying as the cover. To change a cover go to the board -> click Edit board -> Next to Cover click the change button. Use the arrow to cycle through all of your board pins till you find the one you want to use. You can adjust which part of the image displays. Make sure that your Board Covers reflect your business or personal brand and appropriately convey the board topic.

6. Keep a new board secret until you have a minimum of ten pins.  If a board is going to attract followers, it needs to be seen as a valuable resource worth following.

7. Rotate and rearrange your Pinterest Boards seasonally and for holidays. When someone visits your profile page make sure they don’t have to scroll to see pins that will interest them. In Spring and Summer your followers may be interested in outdoor entertaining, gardening or a fresh Summer Salad recipe. In cooler weather interests shift to Holiday decor, baking or comfort foods such as soups and stews.

8. Optimal Number of Boards – Brands that do well on Pinterest are actively engaged pinning and repinning. An active account that will show up well in Pinterest search needs (in our opinion) a minimum of 15-20 boards. The Pinterest limit is currently set to 500 boards [Pinterest limits].  But you will want to limit yourself to the number of boards you can effectively manage to ensure ongoing value and quality.

Now you have a shining Pinterest profile and your boards are in great shape, let’s move on to talk about Pins themselves.

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